Gender Balance in the Job Market
On Index
This graph shows that the gender ratio in local governments in the central area has not been equal in the past. Around 50% more men have been in local governments in the central area.
This graph shows the number of men and women in municipality committees in the central area. The gender balance is relatively even. A few years stand out though, 2011 where men in committees outnumber the women and 2013 and 2014 where women outnumber the men.
The graph shows the number of men and women who work at Landsvirkjun, in Krafla and Þeistareykir power plants. The graph does not take into account the employment rate and therefore does not refer to the actual number of jobs at the power plants, but only the gender of employees of Landsvirkjun in these two power plants. At the beginning of 2019, there were no employees of Landsvirkjun stationed at Þeistareykir, but the employees of Krafla attended to it.
At the beginning of 2023, there were 28 employees in Krafla, 24 men and 4 women. The number of both men and women increased by one since the previous year.
This graph shows the gender division between employees of PCC BakkiSilicon. Employees were 142 at the beginning of 2019, 126 men and 26 women and 154 at the beginning of 2020, 130 men and 24 women. At the beginning of 2021, PCC BakkiSilicon hf had 57 employees, 49 men and 8 women.
At the beginning of 2024, PCC BakkiSilicon hf had 133 employees, 114 men and 19 women.
In municipalities in Þingeyjarsýsla district, women are in general fewer than men. Imbalance when it comes to gender can influence sociological stability. This index is meant to monitor the gender balance in the work force.
This index will publish information on gender balance in the job market.
Data showing the development of gender balance in the job market will be published yearly. To begin with, data from municipalities in the area will be used along with data from Landsvirkjun and PCC BakkiSilicon. Data should be published no later than 15th of January each year.
Data from the central area and the whole country will be compared.
The project manager is responsible for acquiring the data and publishing it according to the publishing schedule.
Data will be collected from specific companies (Landsvirkjun and PCC BakkiSilicon to begin with) and municipalities within the area.