


Sustainable development

The term has many definitions. One of them is from the so-called Brundtland report published in 1987 and is as following: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."


Has a similar meaning to "sustainable development" but with a more restricted viewpoint. It is used when sustainability is examined within companies, industries and specific projects.


A value used to assess the influence of developments and operations of power stations, industrial growth and an increase in tourism.

Criterion A measurement that is used to monitor the development of indices.
Base standard

Original status taken before the influence of development and operations come into play. Used to compare to status later on.

The base standard was taken in 2011.



The building of Þeistareykir power station, the installation of the power cables from Þeistareykir power station, the industrial growth in Bakki and making of roads connected to the aforementioned is what is meant by development.


A few indices are connected to regulations and laws where certain guidelines are required regarding e.g. limits and concentration. This applies e.g. to those matters that are monitored in the noise- and atmosphere indices. In certain areas the noise cannot go above a certain level of decibels.

In indices where guidelines are put in the basis, information from applicable laws and regulations along with licences from operations and their stipulations are used.

Professional groups

In making the indices, three groups were formed in the areas of the three pillars of sustainable development; community, environment and economy. The groups were made of experts in each area and their goal was to review the project’s indices from a professional standpoint.