Number of crimes in the Central Area


Number of crimes in the Central Area

We have now updated index 1.4 number of crimes in the central area. The number of crimes per 10,000 inhabitants in the Central Area is more than doubled between 2018 and 2019. The number of crimes in 2018 was 1001 and in 2019 the number of crimes are 2090. At the same time, the number of crimes in Iceland decreases, from 2733 to 2578 which is a decrease of almost 6%. The number of crimes in Iceland in 2019 is similar to what it was in 2016 and 2017. The number of crimes in the central area has not been as great during Gaumur's monitoring period. The largest number of crimes was previously 1360 per 10,000 inhabitants in 2016. 

We sought explanations from the National Commissioners office, where information on crimes is collected, as well as the Northeast district. According to information from the National Commissioner office, fines for traffic offenses were increased on 1 May 2018. Following an increase in fines, traffic offenses increased in most police districts, but in others the increase did not occur until 2019. From the Northeast district we got the information that the district had received increased funds for traffic control in 2019 and therefore there was more systematic traffic control in  2019 during May to September, then the years before. Those two things explains the large increase in crime in the Central Area.